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Purchase Player Registrations for Fathom

Want to buy Fathom? You can't. Fathom is free of charge. (This is different than being free to modify, etc.)

Instead, you buy licenses to use Fathom in fully-enabled mode with each of your player devices.edjefathom

Fathom licenses are purchased per player. You must purchase a license for each player you wish to use with Fathom.
You may install Fathom on as many computers as needed to work with your players - and on both platforms!


Upgrades to Fathom (base system, not including optional plug in modules) are free (of charge) for the lifetime of the product. Future versions of Fathom (which are designed for your hardware brand) will be compatible with licenses purchased now or we will provide you with an updated license code. That means, as we add features, they are only a quick download away from using with your system.

Fathom Player Licenses are available NOW.

Each player license costs $375 USD & can be purchased through our secure online store,
hosted & processed by eSellerate.
(Volume Discounts are available on the store)

You may also purchase Fathom direct from Adtec Digital.

Thank you for using FATHOM™!

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